Tag Archives: dairy

The Milk Truck is Here!

The milk truck is here! Our toddler screams this each time the milk truck pulls into our farm to pick up the milk from our cows. He is usually just getting up from his nap when the milk truck arrives, he rushes to the window to watch as the semi-truck pulls in and backs up to our parlor. The milk truck driver then connects the milk truck to our bulk tank, where the fresh milked is refrigerated and stored after each milking.

Once our bulk tank is empty, the driver takes the milk only ten miles away to be made into yummy and nutritious dairy products, like parmesan cheese!

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How many glasses of milk?

Adults on a reduced calorie diet who ate 3-4 servings of lowfat dairy foods lost more weight than those dieting and not consuming dairy.

 So I decided to look at just milk consumption today, and put it in the perspective of what one cow averages per milking, per day and per year on our farm.  A serving of milk is 8 oz., so to meet the recommended nutritional needs by only drinking milk, three 8 oz. glasses should be drank a day.  It is true that milk does a body good, providing nine essential nutrients, including calcium for strong bone health.

Our cows are milked at 4:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. every day.  If I look at just one of our 175 cows, she averages 40 pounds of milk per milking for a total of 80 pounds per day.  A cow usually is producing milk 305 days a year.  So she would produce 24,400 pounds per year.

 So what does this all mean?  Let’s convert the pounds produced above into 8 oz. glasses of milk.

 One Cow:

40 pounds per milking = 74 glasses of milk

80 pounds per day = 149 glasses of milk

24,400 pounds per year = 45,395 glasses of milk

 Now that is amazing that one cow can provide 45,395 servings of milk per year!  I know one thing’s for sure; milk is a major staple in our home, especially for our young, growing son.  How many of you have ever made a special trip to the grocery store to get lettuce?  How many of you make a special trip to the grocery store to get milk?  I know when I’m planning out our grocery shopping trips, it has more to do with when we’ll need milk again.

A glass of milk


A glass of milk overlooking our farm

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